Thursday, 27 March 2014

Events for the Weekend , March 28 - 30

Kabalat Schabat

Every week, both the Rykestrasse Synagogue (at 5 pm) and the Bambinim on Fürstenwalder Str (at 4 pm) offer children Friday afternoon meetings, where parents and kids can sing, craft and welcome the weekend together.

Spring Events All Over the Place

So many spring events to choose from!

Throughout the weekend, you can visit the Zentraler Festplatz, near Kurt-Schumacher-Damm, where you can find the "Frühlingsfest" (Spring Fair), including rides, stands with variety of food and other fair fares.... Rides cost money (on Wednesday it's family day, so half-priced), but admission itself is free. On Saturday night (the 29th and April 20th), there are fireworks.

Fruehlingsfest, Until April 21st
Address Kurt-Schumacher-Damm 207, 13405 Berlin
Transportation U7 Jakob-Kaiser-Platz and then Bus X21, M 21, N 21 or U6 Kurt-Schumacher-Platz and then Bus X21, M 21, N 21, 128
Free Admission


The "economical" spring fair opened near Zitadelle Spandau last week, and will close this week. In the meanwhile you can enjoy rides for only EUR 1.
Where: near Zitadelle Spandau

Also at Domaene Dahlem

The educational farm / agricultural museum Domaene Dahlem offers a spring fair at the weekend (Sat/Sun) with lots of home-grown organic products.
Where: Domäne Dahlem , Königin-Luise-Straße 49, 14195 Berlin
Transport: U Dahlem Dorf

Indian Spring Festival at Frei-Zeit-Haus

The Frei-Zeit-Haus, a multigenerational community centre in Weissensee, organises an Indian themed festival this Sunday: Bollywood music, Indian food, a quiz, and much more. EUR 1- 3 .
WhereFrei-Zeit-Haus, Pistoriusstraße 23 13086 Berlin  
Transport: M4, M13 or Tram 12 to Antonplatz
Sunday: 3 - 6 pm 

Free Entrance at the Zeiss Plenatarium

The Zeiss Plenatarium in Prenzlauer Berg is due for renovations, and the farewell party on Saturday will include free admission and events.
When: Saturday, Sunday
Where: Prenzlauer Allee 80 10405 Berlin
Transport: S 41/42 Prenzlauer Allee

FIFA World Cup in Brandenburg Gate

The FIFA World Cup (the actual cup) is on tour this Sunday in the Brandenburg Gate, giving a chance to take a picture with it.

Other Events

* "Schenkemarkt" (gifting market) in Pankow
* Saturday: Opening of the Britzer Windmill, including guided tours and food.
* Also Saturday: Carneval of the Animals, concert for children (details)

Important Reminder

On the night between Saturday and Sunday, we switch to daylight saving time - we "lose" one hour.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Events for the Weekend, 21 - 23 March 2014

Spring Fair

This lovely weekend marks the beginning of the street fairs and outdoor events in Berlin, and brace yourself for non-stop events till the end of September.

The first such event is the "Frühlings-Spar-Volksfest" (Saver's Spring Fair). The fair will have rides and stands. The "Saver's" part refers to the fact that the rides will cost only EUR 1, and that admission itself is free.
Where: The fairground near the Spandau Citadel (U7 Zitadelle)
When:  March 21st - 30th , Mon-Fri 3 - 10 , Sat. 2 - 11 , Sun 12 am - 10 pm

Springtime for Germany (can't avoid a cheap pun when I see it)

Music Festival in the Sony Centre

The Sony Centre will host the Herzgrün Festival, another spring-themed event. The artists and concerts come from a variety of styles and genres, including a special children concert. The event is for free, but it is advised to reserve tickets in advance.

Main children event is "Herzlichen Glückwunsch kleines Huhn", on Sunday, at 3:30 pm.

Fri/Sat/Sun - all day.

Spring in the Forests

Berlin's natural education centres, the Waldschulen, offer all kinds of activities to celebrate the spring.

In the Waldschule Bucher Forst, you can take a guided tour to see the awakening forest on Sunday (in German, for a fee and advanced registration required, further details).

The Ökowerk in Grunewald will offer an array of activities, including a "paper chase"/"treasure hunt" game where the children can learn the basics of Geocoaching. Here, too, advanced registration is required. You can also try your luck in Plänterwald, in another scavenger hunt

Model Weekend at the FEZ

If building tiny models of airplanes, cars or trains is your children's hobby (or - let's face it - your adult hobby), the FEZ is full of events for you this weekend.

model aeroplane in FEZ

Also On...

On Saturday, 2 - 5, a flea market for children stuff at the Heilige Maria Magdalena Kita, on Weiskopffstr. 12-13, 12459 Berlin .

Seed and plants exchange on Saturday (from 3 pm) at the Leila shop (which was by the way featured on the Guardian this week).

Upcoming - Easter Holiday: Music Day Camp in English (w/ HE and DE)

In just a month, schools will take their Easter holiday (this year between April 12th and 27th).

You can, of course, take the school's own Hort offering. However, there are a few interesting offers , for  private courses and camps.

The first that landed on my desk (who has a desk nowadays, not to mention things that land on it? Well, nevermind) - is a musical day-camp, "Music Theatre Workshop" for kids aged 6 to 9, in Friedrichshain. By the end of the camp, the kids will perform a musical. Further details.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Events for the Weekend: March 14th - 16th

Lots of events this weekend, also thanks to Purim, which is celebrated in many venues all over. You can read a full review of Purim in Berlin in the following link.

The weekend opens with two events, one at the family room of the Rykestrasse synagogue, the other at Bambinim East (Fürstenwalder Str). At the latter, Hamantaschen will be baked!.

Nom Nom Nom... Purim at Bambinim (Source: Wikipedia) 

Bambinim will also celebrate on Sunday (10:00 @ Brandenburgischer Str; 3 pm @ Fürstenwalder) and if you're a Hebrew speaker, there are several additional events, by Kumsitz (on Saturday) and the Rykestrasse Synagogue (on Sunday):



St Patrick's Day

It's that time of the year, when having an Irish friend should be your first priority. On Sunday, the Berlin St. Patrick's Day Parade will start at 1:45 pm from the Plänterwald Station, all the way to Arena Treptow. Parade is sort of for free, but the event at the Arena has admission fee.

S Bahn Exercise

Also on Sunday: Firstly organise S Bahn exercise session, from 1 pm a Gesundbrunnen.

Facebook Event

Don't need a gym, got the S Bahn

Also on Sunday: Birthday Party for a Cat

The Georg Büchner Bookstore in Prenzlauer Berg will celebrate the 30th birthday of Petterson and Findus, the naughty cat and his old owner. They ask for registration in advance:, telefonisch unter: 030/4421301  

Musical Events

This is the second week of the Klangwelten Music Festival, in which kids can try on different instruments (Sat / Sun @ FEZ).

The Philharmonie will host a "Peter and the Wolf" concert on Saturday (2 pm) and two children concerts on Sunday (at 10 and 11).

Another musical event on Suday is the Familienfest at M.I.K.Z at Rigaer Str. 99 (the RAW area, but closer to Modersohnstr). Sunday, from 12:00, electronic beats for young and old.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Events for Families this upcoming weekend

 Kabbalat Shabbat

The regular family-oriented Kabbalot Shabbat will take place, including the one organised by Bambinim in Fürstenwalder Str 25 and the one in Rykestraße.

The one in Bambinim will be dedicated to Purim this week, and will include crafts activities as well as the Purim story (more about Purim events in Berlin, here)

Sat/Sun: Musical Worlds at the FEZ

The "Musical Worlds" festival at the the Landesmusikakademie (near the FEZ) , both Sat. and Sun., will expose your children to rhythms and instruments

Saturday: Fasching at Kids' Corner

This happy coincidence of having Fasching and Purim at almost the same time means that we can walk in fancy dress half the time. This time, Kids' Corner, an English language activity centre in Schöneberg offers Fasching activities, on Saturday.

Sunday: Purim Family Brunch

Bambinim will also offer a family brunch on Sunday (in the Brandenburgischer Str branch), with Purim themed activities and what the organiser calls "food in disguise".

And also...

On Saturday, from 1 pm (in Brandenburg Gate), a demonstration against atomic energy. It is hard (and sad) to believe, but it is already the anniversary of the Fukushima Disaster.

Also on Saturday, a swap-market for baby and young children clothing at "Trial and Error" in Neukölln

Purim 2014 in Berlin - Events for Families, Kids and Adults

Megillah Readings

It is customary to read the Book of Esther in Purim and you will find joyous Megillah Readings in all of the synagogues in Berlin (all readings are in Hebrew/German):

On Saturday, March 15th

6 pm - Rykestr.

6:30 pm  - Fraenkelufer

7 pm - Pestalozzistr Congregation (at Fasanenstr. Community Building); Chabad House West, Chabad House East (for Israelis); the Sephardi Synagogue on Passauer Str

7:30 pm - The Central Orthodox Synagogue on Joachimstaler Str., The Herbartstr. Synagogue (formerly Hüttenweg Congregation), Oranienburger Str

On Sunday, March 16th

8 am - Sephardi Synagogue

9 am - Chabad Houses (East and West)

10 am - Rykestr., Oranienburger Str. and Fraenkelufer

11 am - Chabad Houses (East and West)

1 pm - Chabad Houses (East and West)

4 pm -  The Central Orthodox Synagogue on Joachimstaler Str.


Events for Children and Families

Bambinim presents a plethora of Purim events this year .

Tomorrow (Friday, March 7th) at 4 pm, there will be craft activities followed by the Purim story at the Fürstenwalder Str Bambinim .

On Sunday (March 9th), you can enjoy a Purim-themed brunch at the  Brandenburger Str. Bambinim (from 10:30) (Further Info)

On Friday, March 14th, the Fürstenwalder Str Bambinim will have a second event, baking Hamantaschen (at 4 pm).

All of this is only in preparation to the big parties, on Sunday the 16th, with one party in the West (10 am) and one in the East (3 pm). On Monday, the 17th, the very last event will take place: a Hebrew-language party for the kids who take their Hebrew courses in the Brandenburgischer Str branch.

If you can understand Hebrew. you can also join Kumsitz and Todanke's party on Saturday, the 15th, at 11:00

I also found through Googling this event, can't tell you more than what's written, it's in the "Studio am Hochhaus" in Hohenschönhausen

11.00 Uhr
Das Purim-Spiel - die Geschichte der Esther
"Ein musikalisch-literarisches Spiel mit Liedern und Tänzen zum Mitmachen für Kinder ab Klasse 3. | Musik: Konstantin Nazarov | Erzählerin: Brigitte Graf | Anmeldung, Telefon: 030-929 38 21 | Eintritt für Schulklassen pro Kind: 1 Euro, Erwachsene: 4, erm. 2 Euro

Parties for Older Crowed

Also here, parties begin a week before Purim, with a Meschugge Party on Friday (tomorrow!) in Kaffee Burger

On Saturday, the 15th, at 22:00, there will be a party in the Grand, sponsored by the Jewish Community. 22 minutes later, the BASE MENT in Kreuzeberg will open its doors to a Purim Party.

If you're into Chabad, you can also check out their event of a "Purim Festival"

But like in ski, there are also an après  party, at ACUD on the 22nd.