Friday, 23 May 2014

Activities for Families and Kids on the 24th - 25th of May

Saturday: The Long Night of the Families 

We haven't recovered from the "Long Night of the Museums", and there is yet another Long Night, this time with activities for children and their families. Many of the activities are either free of charge or very cheap, but there are way too many activities, for me to even recommend. Just browse their website: you can filter activities by age, categories and district (Bezirk). 

Another "Long Night" is the "Long Nights of the Books", in and around Oranienstrasse in Kreuzberg. This Long Night is mostly for adults and all about book readings, signing, etc. However, there are a couple of activities for kids as well. 

Street Fairs, Block Parties, Fairs - I think you get it: this weekend is full of them! 

The Britzer Mühle will open its doors to anyone interested to see how the mill works, see how the flour is being used etc. On both weekend days, for free. 
Where: Buckower Damm 130 12349 Berlin 

Österreichpark, a park located at the southern end of  Sömmeringstraße in Chatlottenburg is celebrating its first birthday with a picnic, animals, music and more. For free. 
Place: Sömmeringstraße 
Transit: Mierendorffplatz (U7)

In Schöneberg, the Primavera Fest will take place on Akazienstraße, with the regular mixture of food, music, bouncy castles and other activities to celebrate spring. 

On Saturday only, the district of Treptow will celebrate the "Fest für Demokratie und Toleranz mit 15 Bands" near Bahnhof Schöneweide. 

On Sunday, on the other hand, the Pfefferberg Biergarten will celebrate 170 years, from 12:00 
Place: Schönhauser Allee 176 
Transit: Senefelderplatz (U2) 

There is also a big fair starting this weekend: the Steglitzer Festwoche, There are rides, food, music and more. Entrance is free, rides cost money (50% off on Wednesdays). On Saturdays, there will be fireworks. 
Place: Bäkestraße 1, 12207 Berlin
Transit: ca. 10 minutes walk from Lichterfelde Ost (S25) 

Steglitzer Festwoche in the olden days 

Also on Sunday: Don't forget to vote! 

If you're EU citizens, you can vote in the EU elections this Sunday. In addition, German citizens can also vote on the future of the Tempelhofer Feld. It is not clear to me why only Germans and not all legal residents of Berlin, but if you have this right - use it! 

Not sure which party to vote for? Try the Wahl-o-Mat

And after you cast your vote

Go fight ---  I mean, water fight. On Sunday, in the Lustgarten, at 3 pm. Bring only environmentally friendly containers (bottles, buckets, water guns - no "water bombs" for example. 

Or meet fairies - The Britzer Gardens have a fairy event on Sunday, from 2 till , including many activities for fans of the winged creatures. 

And Just a Kind Reminder...

Next weekend is a four-day-weekend, again! Yippie (unless you work on Friday and have to find arrangement for the kids). 

And also Shavu'ot is in the next two weeks, I promise to write about events there

A Sad Farewell... 

Bambinim has been running their Kabalat Shabbath for a year now. Unfortunately, money has dried out - and unless they find new support, this Friday was the last event. Thank you Bambinim for the nice Friday!!! 

Here is the farewell note

Let's hope we'll see them again! 

Friday, 16 May 2014

Events for Families on May 17th-18th, including Lag BaOmer

Footy on Saturday

You might have noticed the yellow masses storming through Berlin. One example, here:

They came all the way from Dortmund, to cheer Borussia Dortmund on the German Cup Final against Bayern Munich. Football is all over the city, in beer gardens, restaurants and other public viewing places.

Long Night of the Museums

On the night between Saturday and Sunday (and in fact - from Saturday afternoon), museums all over the city will offer all kinds of interesting activities (and sometimes very special stuff, e.g. access to places that are usually closed to the public). There are also some children-oriented activities. You can find those by filtering the activities on the Long Night website by "Do something with children".

The Long Night

One of the places that will be open (all day) on Saturday will be the Classic/Antique Car Depot of the Technical Museum. 
Address: Monumentenstraße 15 10965 Berlin (U Yorckstr)
Free admission 

Also on Saturday : Mass Picnic in Wuhlheide

A mass picnic will take place in Wuhlheide, to celebrate 100 years of the Wasserwerk Wuhlheide (waterworks Wuhlheide). It will include lots of activities for kids, including games, music and more. Information on the website

Wuhlheide's Wet Party

The FEZ, meanwhile, will celebrate Berlin's Turkish party and also young-non-Turks are warmly invited. 

Water on Saturday? Fire on Sunday! 

Lag BaOmer is on Sunday, and it's a great opportunity to celebrate in all kind of events. The major event is organised by Chabad. Even people slightly reluctant do Chabad things participate on this one - it is just too awesome. 

The "Jewish Parade for Peace and Tolerance" will start on Sunday at 2 pm in Olivaer Platz, and will continue in Münstersche Str from 3 pm. Participation and admission free

But that's not all! The family events team at the Rykestrasse Synagogue organises a fun Lag BaOmer event, with bows, arrows and even a (small) bonfire. This event will take place between 11 and 2 pm, so theoretically, you can make it to both. 

Bambinim also organises an activity (in Hebrew and German) in their Fürstenwalder Str. branch, from 3 pm. And there will be quite a bonfire there as well. 

Also on Sunday 

To make the choice even more difficult, there are three children concerts on Sunday. One, in the Jagdschloss Grunewald (Hüttenweg 100 14193 Berlin); one at the Philharmonie and one at Radialsystem V. 

And in Brandenburg, both on Saturday and Sunday, you can visit the Drachen Magie Spektakel, in Gut Hobrechstfelde, not far from Buch in Northern Berlin.

And if all of this is not enough: Keren's Shiloh is offering a  Jachnun Sunday Brunch.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Events for Kids and Families in Berlin, May 9-11th 2014

This weekend is full of interesting events, so take a deep breath and...

Friday: Kabalat Shabbat for Families 

As usual, there are two Kabalot Shabbath - one in Bambinim (Fürstenwalder Str, at 4 pm) and one in Rykestr. (at 6 pm). 

Homemade Challah @ Bambinim 

Also on Friday, a street party in Treptower Park to commemorate the "Soviet" V-Europe Day, and "Israel Day" in Wittenbergplatz with some sort of an entertainment programme organised by the Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft. 


Lots of street parties and fairs will take place at the weekend. In the "Fest der Nationen" in Prager Platz, you can enjoy some regional and ethnic specialities and also see the big firework show on Saturday at 10:30 PM (U9 Günzelstr., Fr. from 2 pm; Sat-Sun all day). 

Fest der Nationen (credit: Berliner Woche)

The spring fair in Hasenheide continues this week as well, with rides and food stands and other fair elements. Fireworks on Saturday at 10 pm (Neuköllner Maientagen, Hasenheide, U7 Südstern or U7/U8 Hermannplatz, admission free, rides for a fee). 

Neuköllner Maientagen

Another party is first and foremost for kids: In Washingtonplatz, organised by Radio Teddy, again both for Sunday and Saturday. The Hits4Kids party will include Maya the Bee and Vickie the Viking (Hauptbahnhof, admission free). 

Korea, Roma/Sinti and also the Fire Brigade on Saturday (and many other activities) 

There are also some recommended events on Saturday only. There are, apparently, two religious holidays in this multicultural city. The first one is the Korean Lotus Lantern Festival (연등회 연등축제 in Korean, Lotuslaternenfest in German). The Gardens of the World celebrate it with traditional music, shows and much more, on Saturday from 6pm. The actual parade will be at 9:30 pm. (Sa from 6 pm, Gärten der Welt , Eisenacher Straße 99, 12685 Berlin; Bus 195 from Bahnhof Marzahn or 194/195 from S Mahlsdorf; Admission fee: €6/2.5)


Not only the Koreans celebrate this weekend. The Roma and Sinti of Berlin celebrate Herdelezi (St. George's Day). The street party will take place in Boddinstraße near Rathaus Neukölln on Saturday from 2 pm (free admission). 

But for some toddlers, real excitement is neither Korean culture nor Roma festivals - it is the fire brigade! The Berlin Fire Brigade will have its annual run up the stairs of the mighty Park Inn Hotel in Alexanderplatz, all 41 floors of it. The actual race starts at 11:00, but there will be engines and gear in the square long before that. 

The Fire Brigade Run (source: Morgenpost)

Comics fans can also rejoice on Saturday, the "Free Comics Day". Participant stores will give away copies of comics and some will also hold events. Further Details

The Spandau Citadel will hold its Children Museum Day: Free admission and all kinds of cool activities for kids aged 4 and up. Cool pictures from previous years

Further events on Saturday

Re-Opening party of the Prib Art School in Mitte (U Bernauer Str), including craft activities, etc. 

Plants, music and more in the Regenbogenfabrik on Saturday afternoon. 

The Kaffeeklatsch in Markthalle IX will dedicate itself to Mother's Day

Sunday: Mother's Day 

Mother's Day is a bit of an invented holiday, mostly for those who sell chocolate and flowers, but who cares. 

And the archetypical mom, so says Hollywood, is the Jewish MotherThe Jewish Museum has an especially nice offer for this Mother's Day : A family-oriented tour through the exhibition about the Creation of the World, followed by buffet breakfast and creative activity. Registeration: , Further Details, EUR 25 for adults, under 18 for free. 

If you (or your children) understand Hebrew, there is a Hebrew-language children theatre on Sunday, organised by Kumsitz. For children aged 2-9. Registration: , Child: EUR 10, Adults: EUR 4. 

On Sunday evening, you can also join a Yom Haatzmaút party on a boat on the Spree. Barak Balistic will provide beats and all seems quite awesome. 

But there are also other cool events on Sunday, for example the Spielfest in Mauerpark (in addition to the regular events that take place in Mauerpark on Sundays), or an open day at the Konzerthaus in Gendarmenmarkt. I think I have warned before: busy weekend ahead! 

Next Week: Lag BaOmer 

Next week will be Lag BaOmer. I know already of three events for kids (a parade by Chabad, an event at Rykestr and one in Bambinim), news will follow. In the meanwhile, enjoy your weekend!