Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Weekend Events for the Whole Family in Berlin, September 1st through 3rd


The International Communication Fair, IFA, features all kinds of new features, inventions and gadgets, from "Smart Homes" through wearables and new mobile devices, and of course - as it was originally meant as a radio fair: televisions. There is also a children area and lots of shows, demonstrations and concerts. 

IFA, Sept. 1 through 6th, Messegelände (admission fees apply) 

And - for the IFA:
  •  BiteMojo, which I have mentioned in a previous note as a great way to get to know the city, is offering a deal on its Charlottenburg Tour
  • Shops (big chains in shopping centres etc.) will be open on this Sunday, between 1 and 6 pm 

Fireworks fill the Sky

Berliners love fireworks and almost any event ends or starts with it, but at this weekend, you get a concentrated dosage with the Pyronale, calling itself "World's Championship in Fireworks". The event takes place on two consecutive evenings (Friday and Saturday) in the Maifeld of the Olympic Stadium area. While entry fees apply, many place a chair nearby or climb up the Teufelsberg for a free view. 

If this was not nice enough, there is another fireworks event at the weekend, the Feuerblume Klassik Open Air, on Saturday (from 7:30 pm) in the Britz Gardens


  • More Funfairs and Street Parties: 

    • Street Party in the Altstadt Spandau , throughout the weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun) 

    • Water party, at the Water Authority, Judenstr in Mitte, Saturday from 12:00

    Water party!

    • A summer party organised by the SPD in Einstein Park in Prenzlauer Berg (Muehlenviertel), Saturday afternoon

    • One of Berlin's largest public housing companies, HOWOGE, is staging the HOWOGE Tierpark Festival on Sunday, with events at the Tierpark. HOWOGE tennants should have received coupons for discounted admission, the rest can also come, using Tierpark's regular admission fees. 

  • Museums and Casltes

    • Every Saturday: workshops for children (from 2:30 onwards) at the Museum of Technology; Every Sunday, 11:00 and 3:00 - guided tour (in German) in the museum
    • Guided tour for families in German in the Kafka Exhibition, Martin Gropius Bau, Sunday 1 pm 
    • Summer festival by the AWO in the Dueppel Museum, Sunday all day 

  • Music: Music workshop for children, Saturday, 1 pm, Klingendes Museum 

  • Sports: 
    • The end of the ISTAF will be celebrated with public pole jumping, in Brandenburg Gate, Saturday, 6 pm 

    • Sport fest for the whole family in the Olympic Stadium, Sunday

  • Markets and Food: 

About Me

I offer tours in Berlin as well as write about the city as well as published several books and articles in general. I am always free for writing gigs - travel writing or any other types of writing and research - or of course to show you the wonderful city I live in

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Weekend Events for the Whole Family in Berlin, August 25th - 27th

Open Doors in the Federal Government

The federal government, or its offices, are having an open day on Saturday and Sunday, offering different activities including meeting politicians, concerts, culinary events and of course, lots of children activities. This is an election year, but the event is actually an annual event and an opportunity to see the ministries from the inside or learn a little about different issues they deal with. 

Tag der offenen Tür der Bundesregierung
On Saturday and Sunday (Programme
Free admission 

Visit Angie at her Workplace

Steampunk Romantic in the Nikolai Quarter

The Nikolaifestspiele is a mixture of live theatre and street party in the alleyways of the Nikolai Quarter , each year with a different historical, or semi-historical, focus. This year, Steampunks will walk in the quarter, there will be shows, demonstrations of old technology and the regular street party fun. 

Sat/Sunday, all over Nikolai Quarter
Free admission

Steampunk in Nikolai (credit: the orgnisers)


  • More Funfairs and Street Parties:
    • Street party in the Florakiez (that is, on Florastrasse in Pankow), on Saturday, from 2 p.m 

    • Museums and Casltes
      • Every Saturday: workshops for children (from 2:30 onwards) at the Museum of Technology; Every Sunday, 11:00 and 3:00 - guided tour (in German) in the museum
      • Guided tour for children in the Babelsberg Castle, with the "Palace Dragon" , Saturday, 3 pm 
      • Guided tour for families in German in the Kafka Exhibition, Martin Gropius Bau, Sunday 1 pm
      • Fairy tales in the Jagdschloss Grunewald , Sunday 3 pm 

    • Performing Arts: The International Circus Festival will start this weekend in Tempelhofer Feld and will last about a week. Tickets here

    • Markets and Food: 
      • The Vegan Summer Festival (Friday through Sunday) in Alexanderplatz features lots of vegan fast-food, but also animal-rights stands, vegan products and much more. 

      • If this wasn't enough, there is yet another vegan (and vegetarian) festival at the weekend, this time at the lovely location of the Funkhaus in Neapelstr. Stil in Berlin and the Bite Club's Veggie Bite Club, Sunday from noon 
      • Italian Festival in Urban Spree, including music, ice cream, Italian food and more, on Saturday 

      • Local food and crafts/art from local artist in Die Dicke Linda, Saturday in Kranoldplatz, Neukoelln
      • Local produce in the Kiezmarkt in Himmelbeet in Wedding, Saturday afternoon 

      Hebrew / Israeli / Jewish Heritage 

      Later in the week...

      About Me

      I offer tours in Berlin as well as write about the city as well as published several books and articles in general. I am always free for writing gigs - travel writing or any other types of writing and research - or of course to show you the wonderful city I live in

      Wednesday, 16 August 2017

      Weekend Events for the Whole Family in Berlin, August 18th - 20th

      The Long Night of the Museums

      The highlight of this weekend is the Long Night of the Museums, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Around 80 museums around Berlin will open on Saturday until late (some until 2 or 3 am) and will offer guided tours, special events, concerts and of course - an opportunity to visit as many museums as you'd like with one ticket. There is also a children programme and an old-timer bus in some parts

      Saturday, 19th, from 6 pm (some children activities start even earlier)
      Kids up to 12 for free


      • More Funfairs and Street Parties: 

        • The summer fair in Breitscheidplatz (near the Europa Center) is called Summer in the City and features rides, food, stands etc. Ends on Sunday

        • Rococo Festival on Saturday and Sunday in the Tierpark with lots of colourful clothing, concerts and also stands. Regular Tierpark admission fees apply. 

      • Museums and Casltes

        • Every Saturday: workshops for children (from 2:30 onwards) at the Museum of Technology; Every Sunday, 11:00 and 3:00 - guided tour (in German) in the museum

      • Music: Musical workshop for children aged 6 and up, Saturday, 3 pm, at the Klingendes Museum 

      • Markets and Food: 
        • BiteClub, a Street Food party in the Treptow Arena, on Friday afternoon/evening; another food party on Saturday: The Beer and Bock Festival in Badehaus in Friedrichshain, starting at 6 pm 

        • Local food and crafts/art from local artist in Die Dicke Linda, Saturday in Kranoldplatz, Neukoelln
          • Food Sharing festival in the Malzfabrik in Tempelhof (near the Ikea), Friday through Sunday, with music, workshops and a lot of free food "saved" from being thrown away 
          • Breakfast Market in the Markthalle 9, on Sunday 
          • Street food in the Kulturbrauerei 

        And in Brandenburg... 

        About Me

        I offer tours in Berlin as well as write about the city as well as published several books and articles in general. I am always free for writing gigs - travel writing or any other types of writing and research - or of course to show you the wonderful city I live in

        Wednesday, 9 August 2017

        Weekend Events for the Whole Family in Berlin, August 11th - 13th

        So many parties... 

        • Funfairs and Street Parties: 

          • The summer fair in Breitscheidplatz (near the Europa Center) is called Summer in the City and features rides, food, stands etc. Till August 20th 

          • The German American Fest features rides, stands and entertainment, all with an American flavour. This veteran festival has a new venue: in the Alte Gaswerk in Mariendorf, with the closest stations being Atillastr or Alt Mariendorf. Every day, until August 13th 

        • Hanfparade is a colourful demonstration for legalisation - Saturday from 10 (in Hauptbahnhof), ending with a central event in Alexanderplatz

        • Museums and Casltes

          • Every Saturday: workshops for children (from 2:30 onwards) at the Museum of Technology; Every Sunday, 11:00 and 3:00 - guided tour (in German) in the museum
          • Guided tour for families in German in the Kafka Exhibition, Martin Gropius Bau, Sunday 1 pm 

        • Sports
          • During the weekend, several courageous runners will run the 100-mile Mauerweg (Berlin Wall Way). 

        • Markets and Food: 
          • Local food and crafts/art from local artist in Die Dicke Linda, Saturday in Kranoldplatz, Neukoelln
          • The BiteClub with the Street Food Awards, Sunday, from 12:00, in the Arena in Treptow 

          • The Flowmarkt in the Prinzessinnengarten, Sunday
          • Street food market in the Kulturbrauerei, Sunday

        Jewish Heritage etc

        • Children service with activities in Fraenkel Ufer, Friday 4:30 

        About Me

        I offer tours in Berlin as well as write about the city as well as published several books and articles in general. I am always free for writing gigs - travel writing or any other types of writing and research - or of course to show you the wonderful city I live in

        Tuesday, 8 August 2017

        BiteMojo: New Fun Activity with the Kids in Berlin

        Looking for summer holiday activities? Having visitors? Berlin is full of things to do. My weekend blog is only scratching the surface of activities in Berlin for the whole family. 

        In any case, one solution which combines sightseeing, eating and a lot of fun, is BiteMojo. Bite Mojo is an app that provides a fun foodie scavenger hunt through Berlin . The treasures? Tastings ("Bites") of some of Berlin's finest places, learning about the history of the neighbourhood you're walking through and also - having lots of fun... 

        Bite Mojo (credit: BiteMojo)

        It might be one of the most ideal ways to tour with kids. 

        First of all, your kids get to be the "tour guides", once they are old enough to hold a phone or a tablet and "lead" the way. 

        There are playgrounds and fund anecdotes around the route. 

        And also, there is the food. Yummy food, served in time spans that are ideal for the level of patient kids usually demonstrate in restaurants. And if one of the "bites" is not ideal for kids? Or it is something they won't try? Not a big deal - you can always "buy" less bites and use your credit for next tour, or in another stop. 

        At the Markthalle
        I did for example a Tour through Bergmannstr. which featured cool places and stores, alongside some great bites and ... a playground.

        Something I have found online: 

        BiteMojo is also available in Barcelona, Jerusalem, Rome and Tel Aviv. 

        Wednesday, 2 August 2017

        Weekend Events for the Whole Family in Berlin, August 4th - 6th

        International Beer Festival

        Every year, Karl-Marx-Allee is shifting into the self proclaimed "World's Longest Beer Garden", and indeed, all the way between Strausberger Platz and Frankfurter Tor, the Allee will be filled with tents and stands by different breweries (most of which, big commercial ones, but from all over the world). In-between, you'd have food stalls, rides, musical entertainment etc. 

        Friday through Sunday, Karl Marx Allee 


        • More Funfairs and Street Parties: 

            • Friday/Saturday/Sunday: Renaissance Fair in Schloss Britz, featuring knights, music, food and much more. 

            • The summer fair in Breitscheidplatz (near the Europa Center) is called Summer in the City and features rides, food, stands etc. From this Friday, till August 20th 

            • The Rewe Supermarket Chain organised the Rewe Family Day for you on Saturday. Self-Promotion but also activities for the kids, cooking demonstrations and more. Saturday, Zentraler Festplatz 

            • The Bavaria Day in Spandau features Bavarian food in the Old City, as well as a small street party. 

            • The German American Fest features rides, stands and entertainment, all with an American flavour. This veteran festival has a new venue: in the Alte Gaswerk in Mariendorf, with the closest stations being Atillastr or Alt Mariendorf. Every day, until August 13th 

          • Museums and Casltes

            • Every Saturday: workshops for children (from 2:30 onwards) at the Museum of Technology; Every Sunday, 11:00 and 3:00 - guided tour (in German) in the museum
            • Saturday , 11:00 - 14:00, short guided tours for families in the Museum of Natural History
            • Guided tour for families in German in the Kafka Exhibition, Martin Gropius Bau, Sunday 1 pm 

          • The German Astronomical Society will celebrate "The Long Night of Astronomy" on Saturday, in Park am Gleisdreieck (starting at 5 pm). The event will feature stargazing, explanations, and crafts activities. The event will be cancelled in case of bad weather. 
          The Long Night of Astronomy

          • Markets and Food: 

            • Street food market in the Kulturbrauerei on Sunday; and many flea markets on Sat/Sun

          Later in the week...

          About Me

          I offer tours in Berlin as well as write about the city as well as published several books and articles in general. I am always free for writing gigs - travel writing or any other types of writing and research - or of course to show you the wonderful city I live in