Tuesday, 8 August 2017

BiteMojo: New Fun Activity with the Kids in Berlin

Looking for summer holiday activities? Having visitors? Berlin is full of things to do. My weekend blog is only scratching the surface of activities in Berlin for the whole family. 

In any case, one solution which combines sightseeing, eating and a lot of fun, is BiteMojo. Bite Mojo is an app that provides a fun foodie scavenger hunt through Berlin . The treasures? Tastings ("Bites") of some of Berlin's finest places, learning about the history of the neighbourhood you're walking through and also - having lots of fun... 

Bite Mojo (credit: BiteMojo)

It might be one of the most ideal ways to tour with kids. 

First of all, your kids get to be the "tour guides", once they are old enough to hold a phone or a tablet and "lead" the way. 

There are playgrounds and fund anecdotes around the route. 

And also, there is the food. Yummy food, served in time spans that are ideal for the level of patient kids usually demonstrate in restaurants. And if one of the "bites" is not ideal for kids? Or it is something they won't try? Not a big deal - you can always "buy" less bites and use your credit for next tour, or in another stop. 

At the Markthalle
I did for example a Tour through Bergmannstr. which featured cool places and stores, alongside some great bites and ... a playground.

Something I have found online: 

BiteMojo is also available in Barcelona, Jerusalem, Rome and Tel Aviv. 

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