Friday, 28 October 2022

Events for the weekend of October 28th-30th (and of course, Halloween on the 31st)!


Although this is actually on Monday, it is obviously the biggest event of the weekend. There are so many Halloween events, that I had to only concentrate in some major ones in the blog text itself, but I have added quite a few on the map. 

Things you should know, if you're new to Berlin: 
  • Halloween is not really a thing in Germany. Consequently, many people have no idea at all it is Halloween
  • You'd find many parties for adults (the most famous ones in the Kulturbrauerei and in the Weekend, but have a look at 030 if you're looking for Halloween parties for adults)

  • You will also find some cool events for kids, but trick-or-treating is not really so popular, and it is, quite honestly, subjected to the following Murphy's Law: If you will go outside all dressed up with the kids, it is very likely that the neighbours will have no idea why you're asking for candy ; and If you will not buy any candy and will not take your kids, you will get people at the door plus very accusing looks from your own kids. So, in conclusion, mostly a very scary holiday for social awkward people like me, who'd always end up doing the wrong thing. 
And without further ado, some Halloween events this year: 
  • Scary Autumn party in the Strandbad Wendenschloss on Saturday, with a bonfire, pumpkin carving, and much more (FB event / location

  • T&T events:

    • One, which seems a little private: Someone is organising trick-or-treating in the Weinberg on Sunday afternoon (FB event, location)
    • Another one, after publication, on Monday in the Schlosspark in Pankow (maps, FB event)

  • Teens and older can also enjoy the Halloween in the Berlin Dungeon  (details)
  • The Halloween Run in the Jungfernheide has a route for younger kids, one for older kids and two for adults (website / location) , on Monday

  • Many shopping centres will hold their Halloween party for kids, either on the 29th or on the 31st: Europa Centre (29th, incl Trick/Treat); Tempelhofer Hafen (29th); Allende Center (31st); Alexa (all week long, but the big event on the 31st)

  • And for the less commercialised option, many Youth Clubs (Jugendclub) in the different neighbourhoods will hold their own parties, some are also on the map
  • Already booked-up, but perhaps you'll be lucky to get a ticket from the waiting list or someone who can't attend: Karl's Gruselnacht (29th); Hard Rock Cafe Monster Brunch (30th); Ghost time in the Museum of Communication (30th); and the Scary Night in the FEZ (31st)

Make Mariah Rich Again

It's this time of the year again! And it is starting earlier and earlier every year: Stollen are in the supermarkets from August and now, a Christmas market will start at this weekend. If the trend continues like this, we'll have candy in July and Christmas markets will fight the Oktoberfest ones for a space in September. 

Anyway, the Winterwelt in Potsdamer Platz – the one with the cool slide – is starting at the weekend! Admission is free, rides/stalls of course for a fee. 
  • Winterwelt Postdamer Platz (location), open daily from Fri, Oct 28th till January 1st (except for a few holidays)

Castañada and more good reasons to get a cookie

Cookies are always a good idea, but the Iberian community is celebrating the Castañada this weekend. El Colmado tapas place on Joachimstaler Str will offer festive cookies on Saturday, as well as a workshop with a local Castell group, that will show us how to build a human tower! (location / event on FB)

Other food events and markets: 
  • Autumn Market with textiles and handmade products, as well as food and music in the Domäne Dahlem on Sat + Sun (details, location)

  • A pop-up market of Ukranian art in the Heeresbäckerei on Saturday (insta, FB location
  •  The Nowkoelln Flowmarkt in Maybachufer on Sunday (location)
  • Not really for the younger crowd and sort of Halloween event: The Halloween flea market at Starke August on Sunday (location

Also important to know...

  • That daylight saving time ends on October 30, so in the night between Saturday and Sunday, you will "gain" an hour sleep (with 3 am turning into 2 am), but it also means, sundown is much earlier. 
  • On Monday, aside from being Halloween, there's also a children's day in the Natural History Museum , with free admission and many activities (info; location)
  • Between Tuesday and Friday, you can take party in the "Clean River" kids camp in the Labyrint Museum (info)
  • On Wednesday, you can visit the Family Day in the Spandau Citadel (info)
  • And on Thursday (also the rest of the week), why don't you head to EastGate in Marzahn for a lego exhibition ; or an AI workshop for kids in Hellersdorf (info, also robotics on Wednesday)

The event map

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Events for the weekend : October 21st-23rd and for the Autumn Holidays

 Halloween and autumn

  • On Friday/Saturday/Sunday there's a big street party on Storkower Bogen with rides, food booths and music: the Lichtenberger Herbstfest, free admission 

  • On Saturday and Sunday, the Figurentheater Grashüpfer in Traptower Park will host "Ghost in Black Light" activities, where you can participate with scare enthusiasts aged four and over. Registration
  • "Night of Horrors" at Karl's Strawberry Village in Elstel on Saturday (by pre-registration); All weekend through you can visit and see seasonal entertainment

On Saturday you can also

  • Carve pumpkins in the Globus Baumarkt Lindenberg in the outskirts of Berlin

And more monsters and costumes...

  • Monsters: Are you into Monster Trucks (you or the kids)? At The World of Motorshow you can see all kinds of horrific cars live, on Sunday, in the car park of the Hellweg of Köpenick

  • Costumes: The Zentrum Schöneweide shopping centre is celebrating some sort of anniversary and in honour of this, two things are happening that may interest you: First, on Sunday there will be an "open Sunday shopping" (between 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. as usual); And at 18:30 there will also be fireworks. Also, people will walk around there in Star Trek costumes (and you can too, if you have one) and the entire centre will have a Star Trek exhibit. The exhibition is also open during the weekdays of the coming week, so, live long and prosper! 

... and from SciFi to real-life computers and robots

Besides fantasizing about science fiction, you can also participate in various activities of the "Berlin Code Week" at the weekend (which lasts about a month).

  • Friday afternoon at Kinder- und Jugendbibliothek ZLB: level design at Mario Maker (details); Saturday "Maker Kids" activity at the same place (details)
  • Saturday at the municipal library in Kreuzberg: learn Micro:bit coding (details)
  • Saturday/Sunday: At the Futorium - "The City of the Future" (details)
  • Starting Saturday and throughout the fall vacation, FEZ will hold the Verrücktes Labor for explorers four-year-old and older: performances, experiments and the possibility of trying out stuff (details)
  • Sunday: toothbrush robots in the technical museum (details)

And also...

  • For Teens and Young Adults: Queer ZineFest 2022 at Schloss 19 Youth Club on Saturday (details)

Jewish Culture

  • "Hashomer HaTzair" will conduct a memorial tour around Berlin for young adults (from the age of 16) and adults. The tour focuses on the history of the movement before the Holocaust and the resistance to the Nazis by the members of the movement in Berlin. The guidance will be in German, but it is likely that if you have difficulty understanding, there will be enough people who can translate. Sunday, 14:00 (details)

  • I usually don't post events here that aren't in German / English, which are the languages shared by most readers. However, "Bubables" theatre will show the "Kosher Machine" in Ukrainian on Sunday (details) and you are invited to spread the news among Ukrainian-speaking families you know

Next week: fall vacation, solar eclipse

The public school fall break starts on Monday and will last two weeks.

Some events and activities in the coming week:
  • On Monday, a week-long activity will begin at the Spandau field school for children aged 8-10 with lots of autumn nature (details)
  • For those who prefer to stay at home, Siva Kids offer an online Scratch course during the first week of the holiday

  • But you don't have to be at home to learn to program. On Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday/Friday there will be programming workshops for children aged 6-9 at Yaam, for free (details)
  • On Tuesday, around 12:13, there will be a partial solar eclipse in Berlin. Want to watch it with the kids? Of course, it is enough to stand outside in a place with a clear view (and remember to protect your eyes well and not look at the phenomenon directly!) . However, the three observatories/planetarium of Berlin will also conduct joint observations (information in German), in "Zeiss" and "Archennhold" with creative activities as well (among other things, to create "observation goggles").
A less recommended way to observe an eclipse

  • On Wednesday there will also be a computer workshop for children at Haba, with advance registration (details)
  • And a reminder to the 4th - 6th grade students who have not yet received a "seahorse" / bronze: free swimming courses during the fall break to obtain the certificate

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In addition, you can participate in guided tours in Berlin  - all days of the week - a classic tour to get to know the city, an alternative tour (graffiti  , etc.)  and a Jewish heritage tour 

The event map

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Events for the weekend, 14-16 October

Last Chance: The Festival of Lights

This weekend is the last chance to catch the Festival of Lights. The festival features quite a few installations in famous buildings in Mitte (map below) and also some events, including the ADFC Light Ride: bicycles are to be decorated with light and ridden on Friday evening in Potsdamer Platz. 

And speaking of transportation: On Sunday, the 10k-Berlin race will flow through City West. Cars are of course blocked (see the route). Starting in the Charlottenburg Castle, there is also a kids' race, at 11:30 . Late registration only in the morning in the race itself. 

The Season of the Witch 

Halloween is coming up and there are already a few events at the weekend. 

  • Horror Nights in the Filmpark Babelsberg on Friday and Saturday. This scary event is only for older kids (really older: aged 16 and up). 

  •  The really big event this weekend for those who cannot wait till Halloween is at Karl's Erdbeerhof in Elstal, with scary food, rides and much more. By the way, next week and the one after that, Karl will offer their "Scary Nights", which are usually overbooked if you don't buy well in advance. 

Hurdy Gurdy Man and other Reasons to Party

  • The Komische Oper will open its gates to children on Sunday with a children festival which will obviously include lots of music... 

Other musical events: 
  • Build your own instrument in Klang-Holz e.V. (also in Spandau), on Saturday, for kids aged 7-12 

And also: 
  • Street party on Gorkistraße in Tegel on Saturday and Sunday, including a shopping Sunday (1-6 pm) 
  • And a "traditional Oktoberfest for families" in Kaulsdorf, on Cecilienplatz, Fri through Sun 
  • Autumn festival in the Pinke-Panke children farm on Sunday (2-6 pm) and another one in the Landhausgarten Dr. Max Fränkel in Kladow. 
  • The Komödie am Kurfürstendamm im Schiller Theater is running a flea market on Saturday, with costumes, props and everything else. 
    • More market: Kilo vintage second hand pop up on both weekend days, in Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21 
    • The Zeughausmesse with designer and handmade articles, Sat+Sun in the Kühlhaus 
    •  Flowmarkt in Neukölln on Sunday 

Children Cultural Month

October is the Children Cultural Month, with many events in museums, theatres and other cultural institutions. Unfortunately, many are overbooked. You can still try to be on the waiting list and it seems like in many cases you can also bet on free places on the spot despite them being officially overbooked. 
Some recommended events with officially free spots: 

  • Dance with tanzbasis , for kids aged 10-12 on Saturday 
  • And also: An opportunity to do some 3D printing in the Futurium ; try printing at the Kurt Mühlenhaupt Museum and much more. 

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In addition, you can participate in guided tours in Berlin  - all days of the week - a classic tour to get to know the city, an alternative tour (graffiti  , etc.)  and a Jewish heritage tour 

The event map

Friday, 7 October 2022

Events for the weekend, October 7-9

 Festival of Lights

The Festival of Lights opens on Friday, as always, as if there are no stories about an energy crisis around us. Or maybe there is some impact: The theme of the festival this time is "Vision of our Future" and they promise installations that.. (and I quote) "require very little electricity and look as if they move by magic". 

I prepared a map of the Festival of Lights (and even put pictures of some of the planned intallations), so that you can walk between the attractions. A recommendation for families with children - exactly these small sculptures they are talking about, are not to be missed: For example, the Darth Vader installtion near the Humboldt Forum. Recommendation for everyone: keep valuables in crowded places like the Brandenburg Gate. Valuables, including of course your children in the dark. 

The Long Night of the Families

Continuing with Berlin's exciting nightlife! On the night between Saturday and Sunday, many cultural organizations for children and youth open their doors for activities until the late hours. Some of the activities are neighborhood, in neighborhood children and youth centers; Some in museums or other major sites. 

Some notable events: 

  • Dancing at the Staatsblatt School at the Deutsche  Oper
  • Experiments and activities that are also suitable for families where one of the participants is disabled - at the Indiwi center
  • Build lamps and learn about electronics at GoodLab
  • Make music at the Leo Kestenberg Musikschule 
  • Gaze at the stars at night for the whole family at the planetarium

Sukkot, Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles will begin on Sunday evening and end on the following Sunday evening. Of course, in every synagogue in Berlin  you can find a sukkah. Beyond that 

  • Starting on Tuesday, Moving Poets NoVilla in Treptow will hold their version of Sukkot - with secular entertainment that includes jazz and folk bands and food from a selection of places
  • And on Thursday they will celebrate at the Chabad of West Berlin 

Come and Dine with us!

  • Cheese festival at "Markethalla 9" on Sunday - Cheese Berlin 

And some other interesting fairs: 
  • The Berlin Creativity Fair can be of interest to anyone who has a fondness for creating works of art, craft classes and those who are crazy about Pitnerst - at the "Arena" in Treptow, Friday-Sunday 
  • Design and Art " festival sponsored by Stilwerk at KantGaragen on Friday/Saturday 
  • Music festival at Residenzstr in Reinickendorf on Friday ( details )

  • The fall fair ends on Sunday  ,   which includes amusement park facilities, game stands, food, music stages and more   The entrance is free, the facilities cost money. At the Zentraler Festplatz the price for facilities is reduced on Wednesdays. Until October 9, on Wednesday-Sunday afternoons.

Code name: try to crack!

If all this is not enough, then this week the Berlin Coding Week opens (which lasts more than a week, almost a whole month). You are invited to join various events, including: 

  • Marathon of Jugend Hackt in Wedding all days of the weekend
  • Scratch, Calliope, etc. workshops in various public libraries on Saturday (for example: Scratch in Helena Nathan)

Thanks to all those who support the blog .... and buy coffee
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In addition, you can participate in guided tours in Berlin  - all days of the week - a classic tour to get to know the city, an alternative tour (graffiti  , etc.)  and a Jewish heritage tour 

The event map